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Dana Nelson's Healthplus Pharmacy

5 5 1 1 Review(s)


Phone (805) 543-5950
Fax (805) 543-3160 - Fax
Address 948 E Foothill Blvd,
San Luis Obispo, CA 93405-2701 United States


591205 - Pharmacies

Reviews for Dana Nelson's Healthplus Pharmacy

1 Review(s) Add a Review
  • Dana Nelson's Healthplus Pharmacy

    They have everything!

    5 5 0

    Posted On:

    “I started doing business with Healthplus Pharmacy when I was dissatisfied with the lack of service from a big chain pharmacy near my home. When I first visited Healthplus, I immediately felt comfortable with the friendly efficient atmosphere. Joyce was the first person I spoke with. She graciously told me about their services. After doing business with Healthplus for nearly a year now, Joyce, along with Tom and Ellen continue to take very good care of me. All three call me by name as they greet me and help with my prescriptions. Pharmacists, Dana and Steve, have patiently answered my questions. Becky and Krista give me prompt service with my testing supplies. And in accounting Lola provides personal attention whenever I have a question about billing. This is really appreciated beacuse at the other chain pharmacy I was dealing with someone on the phone several states away. Healthplus Pharmacy is a well stocked pharmacy with quality products that is an asset to our community. It's obvious that the real plus for me is the excellnt staff. It makes my day to be treated with such respect. Those who I've named help me regularly, but there are others who have assisted me. I'm sorry I don't know their names. I gladly drive across town to benefit from this locally owned business that deals only with medical and health supplies and isn't cluttered with all sorts of other merchandise. I can't imagine doing business with any other pharmacy but Healthplus.”

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