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Miller's Window Works


Phone (859) 272-8199
Address 201 Industry Pkwy,
Nicholasville, KY 40356 United States


At Miller's Window Works, we take pride in being known as the foremost provider of custom window treatments in Lexington, Kentucky. With over four decades of expertise under our belt, we understand what it takes to deliver exceptional service and cater to our clients' unique requirements. Whether you're looking for blinds in Lexington, KY, shutters in Lexington, KY, window coverings in Lexington, KY or shades in Lexington, KY - we've got you covered! Our extensive range of solutions has been designed keeping your specific needs and preferences into consideration. Every client is different; hence we offer tailored solutions based on their space's requirements and their aesthetic sense. From commercial spaces to individual homes - no project is too big or small for us at Miller's Window Works!

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